Research projects
2021-2027 Aging in Data (AiD), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada - Co-investigator.
2019-2025 Towards socially inclusive digital society: transforming service culture (Consortium: DigiIN) (link to project description) (EUR 439 199)
2018-2025 Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care. Research Group 4: New technologies, ageing and care - Research Group Leader (WEBSITE)
2013-2018 Intergenerational Relations in Broadband Societies (iGRIB) (Academy Research Fellow project, Academy of Finland) - Project leader (link to project description) (EUR 425 005) (WEBSITE)
2011-2013 Geographical and Social Location in the Everyday Use of ICTs (Postdoctoral project, Academy of Finland) - Project leader (link to project description) (EUR 274 812) (WEBSITE)
2006-2009 Quality of Life in a Changing Europe (6th Framework Programme), Full-time researcher,
2003-2009 Transformative Technologies, Spatial Changes (several funding sources), PhD candidate
ISCH COST Action IS1311 Intergenerational Family Solidarity across Europe (INTERFASOL) (website)
COST Action FP1104 "New possibilities and innovation for print media and packaging, by combining print with digital", Participant in Working Group 1: "Customers and users – Effect of the changing media use habits on traditional media" Mobile Media and Communication Network (website) 2012-2014
Mobile Media and Communication Network